Thursday, February 26, 2009

Potty Time???

Because our lives weren't chaotic enough, we are now potty training R. It wasn't anything we planned (although she's overdue), but she decided it was time, and who are we to argue?

But, like everything else she has done, R has to do this in her own, special, perfectionist way. Normal, oops, other kids can't wait to try out their new pull-ups or training pants. Not our daughter. While she loves trying them on, she is refusing to wear them until she can go accident-free. So for now she is practicing. Every time she has to go, she runs in the bathroom and sits on her little potty - with her diaper and clothes on. She goes, and then she requests a diaper change. She and her dear daddy were at the mall the other day, and when there wasn't a little potty to use, she ran and hid in the corner of a sporting good store so she could have some privacy while she went. Last night she even stayed dry all night. As soon as she got out of bed this morning, she froze next to the bed. I asked her if she was going, and she said, "Yes!" then squealed, "Me no pee in big girl bed!!!" She was so proud of herself! I said tomorrow we could go on the potty as soon as she got up. She gave me a patronizing look and shook her head, "no." Of course we can't do that Mommy. We're not ready for that step yet.

Perhaps someday, before she graduates from high school, she will be able to use the potty in a more, um, conventional way.


Alex said...

so what can you do to make the toilet more enticing? do you have a radio in the bathroom? because it would be totally sweet if, upon success, you could play the success song, i think you'd have motive.

proposed chorus lyrics:

"hooray! / you used the potty / oh, great! / you have a wonderful, healthy body!"

Stef said...

The best potty song ever! (Just ask Mom.)