Sunday, January 4, 2009


Breastfeeding with the boys has been quite an experience. Because they were so good at it in the NICU, we had to discontinue it since they weren't hungry for their bottles, the only food that "counted" as the doctors worked to ensure they were getting enough to eat. Then when we got home, it just didn't happen. They weren't good enough to exclusively breastfeed, and I just didn't have the energy to pump milk, give them bottles of expressed milk, and breastfeed. But then my milk supply all but disappeared last weekend, and so last Sunday we began our week-long breastfeeding odyssey.

I first turned my attention to L, who at least was still interested in the breast. I am extremely happy to report that over the course of this week, he has gone from feeding once a day at the breast to feeding all but once a day at the breast. Although I've offered it, he hasn't been too interested in the middle of the night, and I'm too tired to keep trying with him. He gets a bottle so we can get some sleep! Of all three kiddos (R included) he definitely has the least trouble with the breast, and this is a good thing. Because then there is M.

M, who nursed like a champ in the NICU and could get letdown in a matter of seconds, was showing absolutely no interest in the breast. He refused to even attempt breastfeeding. It got so bad, there were a couple of days over the past few weeks I didn't even think to offer it to him. But it also made me sad because I realized there were days in which I had no contact with him other than to change his diaper. It was pass him off to Jeff for bottles, play time, etc., while I focused on L who wanted to eat.

So, in addition to nursing L lots this week, and pumping for M, I also gradually took over most of M's feedings. This meant a lot of baby time for me, and little time for anything else. But the efforts paid off. While still not enough for the boys, my milk supply is back to where it was before it dropped off 10 days ago. (The boys are just eating a lot more now.) And M has now successfully breastfed four days in a row. It's just been one feeding a day, but that is a huge improvement.

Tonight we achieved the ultimate twin nursing victory - simultaneous feeding. At 8:09 p.m., while listening to Layla by Derek and the Dominos (these details are important, seriously), both boys successfully latched on at once. It was a miracle! Who knows when it will happen again, but if it happened once, it can happen again especially since L is proving that he can latch on in any crazy position as long as he is within about eight feet of my breasts.

For anyone who is curious, the boys are now drinking about 700 - 800 mls of milk a day. Yes, they need my body to produce the equivalent of two fifths of booze a day, and I am actually pretty close. Although sadly depleted, we did have an enormous stash of frozen breast milk, and we have only been thawing about 200 mls total per day, which out of the 1.5 liters they've been drinking, isn't bad. I have been starving all day (for all you females, think severe PMS times 10) and drinking gallons (literally) of water, so hopefully this means my milk will be increasing soon.

For tonight, all I've got left to say is "moo!"

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