Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Things That Make Me Smile

There are many things about R that make me smile. Here are some highlights of the past week.

Jeff told R she needed to help take care of Sick Mommy, so R has been busy cooking for me. Every day she comes in with bowl after bowl of play food for me, and each and every time she demands, "Eat, Mommy, Eat!" And the food she makes cannot be matched in even the finest of restaurants. Her favorite dish is a sandwich containing a hamburger patty, onion rings, peas, eggs, and a hot dog between two buns. She also keeps me steadily supplied with juice and "hot tea."

Apparently this morning she decided that play food and drinks weren't enough for Sick Mommy. We keep R's sippy cups on the door of the refrigerator so that she can pick them up herself when we open the refrigerator. This morning Jeff opened the door for her while making breakfast and didn't pay attention to what she grabbed. She then came trotting into the bedroom where I was working in bed with her treasure. She had a can of Miller Lite for me. My girl knows how to take care of Sick Mommy! (And though I haven't been a big drinker the past few years, after more than eight months without a drink, it did look pretty good even at 8:00 in the morning. So many tailgating memories came flooding back...)

Before the election, Jeff found this clip on YouTube. For those of you not following the link, it's a song called "Obama is Beautiful World" performed by a cheesy Japanese pop group. Jeff played the video once that he can remember. Last Tuesday night we were watching election results on TV before R went to bed. Every time someone said the name of our President Elect R would exclaim, "O-BA-MA!" Apparently it is a very fun to say. This continued for quite awhile, and then she just started singing "Obama is Beautiful World." And she sang it over and over. For several days. You can take the girl out of Athens, but you can't take Athens out of the girl...

1 comment:

Alex said...

The whole video on youtube? It's actually a promo piece for the city same name, Obama.

"As a result of the decisive victory by Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election, the Mayor of Obama City announced to the Japanese press that he intends to commission a statue of Barack Obama to be put in front of the city hall 'as a token of the great historical moment for the name Obama'.

In addition, he has declared that November 4th will be an annual holiday in the city."

Obama, Fukui wiki page