Tuesday, November 18, 2008

34 weeks and still cookin'

As of today, I am 34 weeks pregnant. Woohoo! This is a major milestone. While they are far from well done, it means the babies are at least al dente and should be okay if they decide to make an appearance sooner rather than later. It also means the docs are relaxing quite a bit. After going in for checkups twice a week for the past few weeks, I am back to only going once a week like a "normal" pregnant woman.

For those who are curious, I had an ultrasound last week, and the babies weighed 4 pounds, 9 ounces each. Having nine pounds of baby in my belly definitely presents a few problems. Sitting is rather awkward these days, so when at home, I sprawl. Thankfully, we have great couches for sprawling. The question I'm asked most frequently seems to be, "How do you sleep?" and the answer is "Very carefully!" When I'm tired, I flop down on my side with a body pillow and pass out for awhile. Since the boys are so big and I'm carrying them so low, I typically can't lay still for more than an hour or two without having to go to the bathroom. That's when the comedy begins. I have to somehow figure out how to roll out of my locked position and get out of bed and get to the bathroom without stepping on Max who is always at my side. This process can take awhile, particularly figuring out how to roll over. Poor Max generally gets stepped on. Jeff finds this whole process hilarious. I am grateful that he has not taken a video and posted it on YouTube. Then again, perhaps I shouldn't give him ideas...

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