Monday, January 20, 2014

Long Weekend!

We had a pretty good weekend. Aside from a crazy Friday, we didn't have any plans. Sometimes, I really look forward to weekends with no plans. Other times, I look forward to quiet weekends but end up regretting that we "wasted" the weekend, neither relaxing nor accomplishing anything. This weekend was a nice balance of both relaxation and projects.

Friday was a little bit of a crazy day. It was my day to work a half day from home, and I had already worked quite a bit last week, so thankfully I only had to squeeze in a couple of hours of work which I was able to do first thing in the morning and during naps. In between working, Natalia and I took the boys to school and then went shopping. Of all things, I had to shop for gifts because I am invited to three baby showers this week for women having little girls. Natalia took her shopping very seriously. Any time I gave her a choice between two things, she would pick both. And if she had her way, we would've purchased complete layettes for each baby. At one point she was very concerned that we were not buying everything the babies would need and started pleading, "But Maaaaamaaaa, babies NEED bibs!"

Late Friday afternoon, Ree and I headed to her Daisy Scout meeting. We came home for a quick dinner (Jeff cooked. Yay!) and then the whole family took off to get frozen yogurt. Our excuse for going was to celebrate the boys having good checkups at the doctor that afternoon (Jeff bravely took all three little ones while Ree and I were at Daisy Scouts) and Ree getting a great report card.

Saturday we split up for "Boys' Day" and "Girls' Day." The boys did boy things - there was chicken wing eating and a great deal of sports watching. For girls' day, Natalia and I took Ree to her dance class. The teacher was kind enough to let Natalia participate in the warm ups on the floor and again at the end where they do rhythm work with wooden sticks. Natalia (in the fuchsia dress) was in heaven.

After dance, the girls headed to Olive Garden since I had a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. For as long as I remember, Ree and I have headed to Olive Garden once or twice a year for a "fancy" lunch, and I was worried that she wouldn't like Natalia joining us. But Ree took it in her stride, Natalia mostly behaved herself, and we all had a nice lunch.

On Sunday morning, we headed to the aquarium. We've been before, but I guess it's been awhile, since the boys (especially Leon) were amazed at everything on the drive down, especially the brightly painted beach houses in Kure Beach. Natalia's mind was blown the first time she saw a purple house - and then we passed two more.

Everyone had a ton of fun at the aquarium, and once I realized that it was going to be $40 for admission for our not-so-small family, or $60 for an annual membership, we opted for the membership. The kids, especially the three stooges, are already planning our next trip.

From the aquarium, one of my favorite signs ever.

Bonus science fun. Leon loved that we could see our reflections in the fish tanks.

Leon also loved finding all the waterfalls. His siblings followed.

The kids were really excited to discover they added a playground since our last visit.

Today Jeff took the kids on more adventures while I attacked the house. Ree's room has been out of control ever since Christmas. The Barbie dream house is sitting smack in the middle of her room, and there wasn't a lot of space before. So I am cleaning her room out. But in order to do so, I had to rearrange the toy room. It's a slow process, but I did get the extra toys out of the living room/dining room today. So for tonight, I will not think about all the work I need to do in the toy room, Ree's room, or the garage. Instead I will focus on the nice, somewhat uncluttered living room and on looking back on a good weekend.

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