Sunday, February 10, 2013

In Sickness and in Sickness

Normally, we are pretty healthy people, but this winter we can't seem to catch a break. This week it finally dawned on me why. Leon and Michael started preschool. We have a whole new set of germs swarming around the house.

We haven't been this sick since the year Ree started preschool. Among other ailments, that winter we got a nasty stomach bug. Normally, viruses sweep through the house taking us down one by one. Not this one. Within 24 hours, all five of us came down with it. Jeff was so miserable he locked himself in our bedroom, and I spent the night in the living room with the three kids. Ree slept on the couch while the boys and I slept on the futon mattress on the floor. We couldn't keep up with the laundry and were out of sheets and towels, so I had layers of receiving blankets under everyone to deal with the inevitable doom.

We thought that was pretty bad, but this week we've found a new twist on the joys of being sick. The kids have been sick on and off since Christmas, with Michael having some crazy 24-hour flu bug last Sunday. His best friend and her family came over to watch football with us Sunday night, and he still excused himself and went to bed early. A few days went by and no one else got it, so we thought we were okay. But now Jeff and I both have the flu. The good news is the kids still feel good and are full of energy. The bad news is the kids still feel good and are full of energy.

This is when I am so grateful we live in a place that I can just send 'em outside to play, even in February. (And this picture is actually from a trip to the park a couple of weeks ago, but I haven't been too motivated to take pictures in the backyard this weekend. I still like this pic!)

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