Monday, February 6, 2012


Last week was definitely one of those times I was reminded, "Be careful what you wish for." My parents had been visiting, we had been moving at an insane speed their whole trip, and I was exhausted. I really should know better, but it's hard not to go crazy when grandparents come to visit. They take us out to dinner which is fun and delicious but so far from my boring regular diet. They take children off our hands - and in this case, overnight! Plus, I tend to adjust to the speed of those around me, and my parents are go, Go, GO! (Living in Athens as an adult where things are more like slow, slow, sloooow was very therapeutic for me. I had no idea people could do so little for so long and actually enjoy the serenity.) I got SO much done while they were here, but the last thing I wanted to do when they left was to jump into a crazy week.

But real life s always crazy, especially after taking 8 days off to play with guests. I aided at Ree's preschool, which is a 6-7 hour event involving everything from hanging with the kids to scrubbing toilets. I went to a training class for work in Raleigh which required five hours in the car in on day. While I was driving home, I started feeling achy. I blamed it on a day that included 5 hours of driving in one of those awesome, government-issued white sedans broken up only by sitting and more sitting. By Thursday afternoon, I knew that it was more than that. By Thursday night I was sick with the flu. Always fun. Thankfully, it was a relatively mild case that never knocked me completely out of commission. But I was sick enough that it limited my weekend to napping, relaxing, and cooking healthy food. (As a bonus, I finally got Natalia to eat sweet potatoes. It turns out she likes hers served as oven fries with olive oil, sea salt, and chili powder. Apparently we have another foodie on our hands.) It was actually an okay weekend. I just need to learn to give myself permission to relax like that without the fever, chills, or pounding headache. THAT would be a nice weekend.

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