Saturday, April 16, 2011

They Actually Like Each Other

The boys are potty training.  Well, more specifically, Leon is attempting to potty train himself, having given up on us ever doing anything about it.  One of the reasons we haven't tried harder, despite his fascination with it, is potty training is so dang time consuming.  Especially with twins.

One of my favorite times, and one that I will have to give up when we start potty training in earnest, is the early morning.  Right now the boys will play happily in their beds for quite awhile after they wake up.  I am not looking forward to whisking them out of their beds and to the toilet.  They are so happy in there, throwing toys back and forth and chatting.  Somehow they can like each other as long as there are bars (from their cribs) separating them.  I sincerely hope this doesn't mean they will only be able to successfully interact as adults from adjacent prison cells.

While they play, they spend a lot of time singing.  It is always fun to listen to them sing, and it is extra fun when they sing together.  This morning, in between songs, I think they started playing catch.  This is a new thing for them.  They've also been playing catch with a wet wash cloth in the bath tub, and actually doing pretty well with it.  I think it helps it sticks to the catcher's body.  Anyway, I couldn't help giggle as I listened to the end of their conversation this morning.

Leon: Nice catch!
Michael: Thank you, Leon.  Thank you, thank you!

Such great manners...sometimes!

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