Friday, February 18, 2011

A Very Merry Unbirthday

My birthday was last week.  A lot of people commented that it was probably a strange birthday.  Part of me didn't really even understand that comment.  No, I wasn't out doing tequila shots or having a fancy dinner with all my nearest and dearest, but I was home all day with my family, and that seems like a pretty perfect birthday to me.

As an added bonus, the kids each helped me celebrate.  Natalia had a pretty good day.  I don't remember any crazy crying spells or her needing to be held excessively.  As an added bonus, she went all day without spitting up in my hair or down my shirt.  She is so stinkin' thoughtful.

Since our family parties all follow the same format, after dinner, I opened presents.  As the rest of us were finishing our meal, Ree slipped off.  Ree managed to unearth a gift bag and some tissue paper from the flotsam in her room, and she later presented me with a truly nice looking package.  She had wrapped up one of her stuffed animals, although I have to admit I'm not entirely sure who the gift was for.  It was from Abby Cadabby, and I think it was for Natalia.  Not sure how that fit in to my birthday, but it was still cute.

Although Chef Leon is the one always cooking, it was Michael who decided to bake for me.  On the morning of my birthday, he had out all of the kids' play food and was busy stirring and pouring.  He then put a tray into the oven in their play kitchen.  As he opened the over door, he warned everyone to "Stand back!" which is what Jeff and I say when we open the real oven.  He puttered around for a few minutes (cleaning?) before removing the tray.  He dutifully announced "Stand back!" again then presented me with a tray of cupcakes while singing "Happy Birthday."  The boy knows how to melt a mommy's heart.

Leon, my complete and total mama's boy, did little to celebrate other than help me open presents and eat my birthday cake.  I can't complain, though, because he is only two (my other kids are just freaks!) and he has actually been so helpful lately.  In addition to helping out, he is somewhat trying to potty train himself.  (I'm not expecting him to be done ANY time soon, but it's good to have hope.)  He just wants to do ALL the things the big brothers and sisters do in the books.  I hadn't thought much of his lack of celebration and then this morning, as I was getting him out of bed, he sang me "Happy Birthday" in its entirety.  I can only imagine he was practicing and making sure he really knew it.  Late birthday presents are great too.

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