Sunday, September 12, 2010

Last Week

Sunday night always creeps up on me.  One minute it's Thursday night or Friday morning, and the next thing I know, it's Sunday night, the kids are in bed, I have a ton to do to get ready for Monday, and my to-do list for the weekend is virtually untouched.  This weekend was no exception.  So really, right now, I should be sleeping.  And if I stay up, I should be studying for a certification exam I'm taking for work in December because it's not cheap to take and it's all new material that I need to learn.  Or I should be ironing my clothes for work because I know my coworkers are already sick of seeing me in the same wrinkled maternity clothes week after week.  But I really don't feel like it.

And plus, this weekend wasn't a total loss.  I cleaned our bathroom, at least to the point that it no longer looks like it belongs in a house inhabited by a sizable number of college-aged males.  I even showered, which doesn't always happen, especially on the weekends.  And most importantly, to use a phrase from the first year or so of the boys' life, we managed to sustain life.  As far as I know, we took care of everyone's nutritional and bathroom needs this weekend, and we even threw in a few hugs for good measure.  Is that fabulous parenting, or what?  (Don't answer.) 

So that being said, instead of getting all those things done, I'm doing something I shouldn't do.  I'm sitting on the couch, farting around on the computer.  And to make it worse, I'm going to take it a step further and post some pictures of the week, even though I know better than to put both my children's pictures and names out there for the world to see.  Here's hoping I don't get caught.

Last weekend we made blueberry muffins.  My baking staff has grown.

I have no idea what they were watching, but those are some serious TV zombies.  The kids were having a bad morning today, and at some point I caught each of them chanting "TV, TV, TV."  It was both amusing and creepy.

Ree headed back to preschool this week.  It was her first week at her new preschool.  I like the new school because it is Montessori-style, they get to eat real food for snacks and lunch (her preschool last year was heavy on packaged food due to convenience and food allergies), and they make authentic, child-created art (last year was also heavy on the teacher-prepared, kids-glue-it-together-just-like-the- example art).  The verdict is still out whether Ree agrees with me that this is better.

Ree did get to bring home Blackie Midnite this week.  This stuffed animal is the class "pet" and the kids get to take turns caring for him for the night.  Each child also takes home a journal where they record what they did with Blackie Midnite.  At our house, he had a sleepover with some of the other "pets," but Ree's journal entry was mostly about Abby Cadabby.  Poor Blackie was a total afterthought.

Michael joined us in making banana muffins this weekend.  Although he looks halfway engaged in the picture, he was not much of a fan of the whole cooking process.

I caught all three kids playing together (well, sorta) in the sandbox.

Ree may have been born in Athens, but Leon definitely looks the most like a crazy, hippie kid.  Check out the hair and the sandals with knit pants.

I found a recipe for edible homemade Play-Doh.  You would never guess it from this photo, but Michael HATED the whole process.  Except for maybe eating the dough.  The other two really liked making it and playing with the dough.  And they thankfully didn't eat much of it.

Pru was an unfortunate victim of the Play-Doh making mayhem.  She was covered in flour by the end of the process, and not very happy with that fact.

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