Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Calm a Crying Boy

Sometimes the boys are just, well, such boys.  For instance last night there was a meltdown in the bathroom.  I have no idea why.  It's hard to keep track of these things when they happen every 15 seconds, but for whatever reason, both boys were crying hysterically and Leon was running around naked and sopping wet and I was trying to subdue him before he slipped or, more likely, ran into the corner to take care of nature's business.  At the same time I was trying to make sure Michael didn't fall because he was still in the tub and he was standing and he was agitated and he was starting to flail and he had already wiped out in the tub once yesterday and landed flat on his back.

Had it been Ree in this situation, well, she wouldn't have been running around naked and sopping wet in the first place.  Nor would she have been flailing around in the tub.  She always sat patiently in the tub and then waited for me to take her out.  She still does most of the time.  Meanwhile Leon, our little monkey boy, is always working on climbing in and out of the tub by himself.  And there was only one of Ree.  Not two crazy boys who can make a 6' x 8' bathroom (or something like that) feel like a giant cavern.  Anyway, to calm Ree down if she was that upset, I would've wrapped her in a towel, given her a big hug. If things were really bad, I would've started singing.  If things were REALLY, REALLY bad, a cookie or brownie would've been thrown into the equation.  And the world would be back to normal.

But the boys took a whole different strategy.  One involving bodily function sounds.  Yes, within .3 seconds of making a farting noise, both boys stopped flailing, stopped crying, and started giggling.  Within 2 seconds, they had joined in the fun.  Several minutes later, they were still growing strong, and Michael realized that he could also make vomiting noises.  And he thought those were hilarious!

Five minutes, and approximately 857 nasty noises later, everyone was safely dressed and out of the tub.  Phew.

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