Thursday, July 8, 2010

Climbing Monkeys

We joke that my husband's primary job is making sure none of the kids need to go to the hospital.  However, it's not quite so funny now that doing so is getting exponentially harder.  These days the wonder twins are on a suicide mission.  Kamikaaaaazeeeeeee!

They have started climbing.  They climb everything.  Over the weekend I found Leon jumping on the toilet one day and standing on a large pile of toys to reach the top shelf of his bookcase on the other.   So, apparently now, not only can we not put things on bottom shelves, we cannot put them on top shelves either!  In the sunroom, we have a dresser filled with craft supplies.  It contains both Ree's nontoxic supplies as well as my paint, glue, and other really bad stuff.  Jeff pushed the kids' train table in front of the dresser so the boys couldn't get to the craft supplies.  Yesterday Jeff found Leon standing on the train table.  Meanwhile, Michael was sitting on top of the dresser, handing down all the "good" stuff.  Last night the boys were playing chicken on the futon.  Loser was somersaulting off the futon into a large pile of stuffed animals on the hard tile floors.  Love them!

I think it might be time to color my hair again.

Oh, and as though the climbing was bad enough, Leon has also started sneaking things.  The other day he ran by me all twisted sideways with something in his arms.  The little stinkpot had swiped the tissues from my bathroom (which again required standing on the toilet seat, sigh) and was trying to get them to his room where he could gleefully remove all the tissues from the box. 

I must find a way to get them to use their powers for good and not evil!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

omg, it's so hard to keep Mikey alive on a daily basis! I'm glad your having the same problem! (you know what i mean, I'm not really glad!)