Thursday, July 16, 2009

Take a Bite Out of Crime

M has been beating up his big brother for quite awhile. During that fateful ultrasound when I was 20 weeks pregnant and we discovered there were two babies in my belly, we watched M pummel L. L gave one firm slug back, but mostly took the torture.

Until they were five months old, the boys shared a crib. At that point, M figured out how to kick L into a corner. And, of course, he would continue to kick him once he was there. L truly didn't seem to mind, but he was starting to bruise, so we decided it was time to remove him from that situation.

Yesterday afternoon the boys were on the floor playing. Although they had started facing opposite directions, they had migrated so that M's foot was directly in line with L's forehead. Before Jeff could intervene, M kicked L's forehead. And L laughed. This happened several times. Then M's foot started drifting lower on his face, and L didn't like that so much. Finally, M kicked L squarely in the nose. In retaliation, L grabbed M's foot with both hands and took a big bite. Although I missed the action, I did get to observe the teeth marks that were still visible when I gave M his bath last night.

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