Thursday, July 30, 2009

Independence Day

At times I am completely amazed at the independence of our kids. The other night I was attempting to get the kids in the bathtub. All three had been corralled in the bathroom but were still clothed when I got distracted and went to talk to Jeff. I came back to find that R had undressed, used her little potty, taken the top of the potty off, and emptied the bowl into the toilet (without spilling!). When I walked in she was standing naked at the sink trying to figure out how to reach the water so that she could rinse out the bowl.

I was so impressed by this that I again left to tell Jeff who was just outside the bathroom door. When I came back I found that the boys had spied the pile of toys on the floor and had each maneuvered to get a toy and were happily munching on their respective ones.

When it comes to the boys, M is generally more independent. The most amusing is when he feeds himself. We lay him on a blanket on the floor to eat, and if he is hungry enough, he will hold his own bottle. When he is done, he throws the bottle to the side, rolls over on his tummy, and burps himself before scooting off to play.

L is not nearly as independent, but that doesn't mean he doesn't try to do things for himself. When he decides he wants to eat, he wants to eat NOW. I am used to this by now, and I know all his crazy tactics for attempting to nurse, but the first time caught me totally off guard. He was a little over five months old, and we had just moved into our new house. It was bedtime, but instead of nursing him to sleep, I was foolishly talking to my dad who was helping with the move. Rather than getting frustrated, L, who was in my arms, leaned over, lifted up my shirt, and attempted to latch on by himself. He knew what to do. He had been learning about this all his life!

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