Thursday, September 11, 2008

Baby Update - 24 Weeks

I talk about R all the time, but I haven't said much about the boys. From what I can tell, they are doing a-okay. Right now they are about a foot long and weigh a little over a pound each. (Think big ol' ear of corn.) They are incredibly active. One of them, labeled Boy B in the first ultrasound, is my hyper little guy. He is always kicking and squirming. Last week I even got a good look at his little foot under my stretched-out skin as he tried to kick off from my ribs. (I hate to break it to him, but he just ain't gonna be as big as Michael Phelps.) When Boy B is having play time, he makes sure his brother is awake and playing too.

Boy A is much more chill. He moves, but his movement is much more fluid. In the first ultrasound we did get to watch him kick and punch his brother a few times and it was easy to imagine him saying, "SHUT UP!"

Both boys love it when I eat, and about 15-20 minutes after I start a meal, the belly circus begins. Woohoo for new flavors! They also appreciate story time, and they seem to pay close attention when I read to R each night. (Either that or they are practicing for jumping off the sofa when I try to read to them as toddlers.) The other night Boy B woke me up at 3 a.m. Pru was howling in her sleep, and she apparently startled him...a lot. He did not settle down for awhile.

Sleep in general is interesting. When they were smaller, getting up was always a challenge as they liked to burrow down around my hips while I was sleeping. They can't do that any longer, but they aren't making things a whole lot easier. I sleep on my side, and each time I wake up I typically flip to the other side since my shoulders get kinda numb. When I was pregnant with R, I don't remember having many belly issues when it came to rolling over aside from getting the momentum to move. I may have had to give her a shove to make her shift, but it wasn't a big deal. Now when I roll over, all 3 of us have to roll over. Whichever baby was on top before never seems to be happy with the idea of suddenly ending up on the bottom. There is much protesting and refusing to move. Then there is the fact that he has to wake up his brother in order to get the one who is now on top to move. I think the sibling battles start early!

I had my monthly update with my midwife yesterday, and all seems well. She is requiring me to get additional ultrasounds, but she will allow me to skip all the other hurdles OBs typically require women pregnant with multiples to jump through. Even the ultrasounds don't seem too bad, and she is definitely encouraging me to space them out as much as the perinatologist (the high-risk baby doctor who is performing the ultrasounds) will let me. My first one is next week, and I'm sure it will be an interesting experience. Meanwhile, I continue to hope for healthy, full-term babies, and I certainly wouldn't mind a nice, easy delivery too!

1 comment:

Booba Juice said...

I love your site. I look forward to reading more....