Sunday, June 22, 2014

Camp Jewel

We are finally done with school for the year. Hurray! For the most part, our whole family loves year round school, but it was time for a break.

Ree was so fried at the end of the year that when I asked her if she wanted to sign up for dance and art camp, she promptly said no. I asked on several occasions, and the reply was always the same. No thank you. She would prefer to spend the summer at home, reading books. She is so my kid. Love her!

Despite not wanting to go to camp, we are not without camp activities. Ree took it up herself to set up a day camp for her siblings. Several weeks ago she started planning her camp, careful to ensure the hours correlated with when she was free. I found this sign hanging in our main hallway.

It was no surprise that the kids spent that entire morning playing camp. What I hadn't expected was what happened the following Saturday. We'd had breakfast and cleaned up and I was attempting to workout in the living room with the usual chaos. Suddenly I heard an exasperated Ree yell something like, "Hey guys! It's after 9:00. Camp already started!" Amazingly, they all took off running. And stayed in her room. When I got done working out, I found the three stooges all busily doing activities while she supervised.

They were all pretty content to do what was instructed. For Jeff's sake, I hope she does keep to the posted hours, and camp kicks in full-time this Tuesday.

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