Sunday, April 27, 2014

Back to School

Everyone headed back to school this week. Since Ree had been off for three weeks, it kinda felt like the first day of school all over again on Monday. We definitely all had to readjust to the early mornings. I think the trickiest part for me was getting back in the habit of making lunches. I'm not all that great at remembering to make lunches even when she goes to school every day. But I managed to feed her every day. Phew!

The best news, though, was that school was back to the regular schedule. During March the school day had been extended by 30 minutes a day to help make up for the six days we missed this year due to ice. That meant each day ended 15 minutes later. It also meant each day started 15 minutes earlier, and it turns out 15 minutes in the morning makes a big difference. It was nice to get our 15 minutes back.

Another thing that I really liked was the fact that Ree is back riding in the bus. Sometime in January (I think), I had started taking Ree to school due to the timing of her bus and the incredibly cold weather, and we just kept it up. On Monday, however, there was a monstrous line of people dropping off their kids, and it took an incredibly long time for me to get through the drop off line. Not so great when I am trying to get to work. Ree and I both quickly agreed that she would resume her bus riding.

The good part about bus riding is having a few minutes every morning to just, well, watch the morning. It helped that it was around 60 degrees and clear all but one morning this week, but even when it's not that nice, it's a relaxing way to start the day. We typically count the birds flying by, check for vapor trails for planes, and just chat. It's definitely a nice break in the chaos.

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