Monday, November 18, 2013

I Miss Sleep

It's been eight or nine months since I really slept, and it's starting to get to me. Okay, that's a serious understatement. I've been pretty evil for awhile now, and I'm not a fan of the new me. I miss sleep. I was never really a sleep devotee, but never sleeping five or six hours and constantly getting woken up at night? Yikes.

The problem seems to be the kids won't go to bed at night. And they pop up all night, one after the other, like a house full of whack-a-moles. Then they get up early. Reaalllly early.  A couple of Sundays ago Mike said to me, "We've already been up for two hours, and the sun is still sleeping. That's funny!" Yes. Haha, Mike. Haha.

We managed to hit a new low this weekend. On Saturday, we didn't even sleep until 5:00. Natalia decided to get up for the day at 4:49 a.m. And, of course, she had to wake up her brothers at that hour, too, so they wouldn't miss out on any "fun." So Saturday we had to get a little creative just to keep everyone awake and in one piece. It ended up being creative-use-of-toys in the backyard day. Thankfully, Wednesday morning's snow

(earliest snow on record for Wilmington!) was long gone.

I started by dragging out the kiddie pool, and filling it with plastic balls. A super ghetto DIY ball pit. The three stooges had lots of fun.

And, yes, they were playing outside in their pajamas. I'd blame it on sleep deprivation, but if they are going in the backyard and we know they will get messy, they usually play in their p.j.s and get dressed for the day when they come back inside the house. Less laundry that way.

Leon then took over in the creativity department. First he went into the garage and got into the infant kick-and-crawl tunnel. He put it at the top of the slide to make an obstacle course.

Then we got out a bucket of water to play with in the sandbox. (It was in the 70s!) Leon found some chairs and decided it would make a great place to soak his feet. (And, of course, he and Natalia fought over who got to sit and their makeshift pedicure stand.)

They actually played outside for over an hour, and miraculously, no one was seriously injured. Not bad for operating on (seemingly) no sleep.

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