Sunday, March 10, 2013

Cape Fear Museum

We've been in a fairly mellow, happy place the past few weeks. It's...weird. Wonderful, but odd. Part of it is we haven't had any visitors or crazy plans. We've actually had (gasp) free time. So we've started exploring Wilmington. We've lived here over five years, and we decided it might be time to actually do something other than go to the beach, the parks, the mall, and Barnes and Noble. Crazy concept. Unintentionally, we started doing free activities, and now it has become a goal to find free activities every weekend.

Last weekend we went to the Cape Fear Museum of History and Science. There is a day each year where almost all local attractions are free to county residents, and last Sunday was the day. We probably wouldn't have gone otherwise, but it was definitely worth checking out for free.

It turned out to be a great museum, and the kids all had lots of fun. We will definitely be going back (and we discovered it is free the first Sunday of every month).

The kids found furry surprises in trash cans that were part of an exhibit on city life. (And, yes, the boys are sporting capes. They attach to the backs of their Angry Birds Space shirts.)

They had fun playing with different mirrors in the kids' area.

There were life-size beavers to check out.

And this will show my true math nerd-dom, but I think the museum had one of the greatest clocks ever.

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