Tuesday, January 22, 2013

New Phone

We got new phones over the weekend. Now I remember why I avoid getting new phones. Not only am I cheap, but it takes longer than buying a car. Thankfully my parents were watching the kids, and Jeff and I got to have a "romantic" date to Best Buy where we spent a little over an hour and a half hanging out with a truly friendly and helpful sales guy who was feeling the effects of a Starbucks vanilla chai latte with a triple shot. (He repeated his order several times, just so we were clear as to what was coursing through him. And by the time we were done, he clearly looked like he was ready for his mid-morning energy drink if not his lunchtime super sized Coke.)

BUT there are definitely some benefits of having a new phone. I have a working camera on my phone again! And I finally got the pictures off my old phone - my old phone was dumb (seriously, it was a non-smart, or "dumb" phone, not to mention it didn't work like it was supposed to) and I couldn't do anything with my photos other than text them to other people, despite having a USB cable to connect to my computer and the supposed ability to text photos to myself and view them online.

All that rambling is to say, watch out. There are some seriously bad, random, old photos coming up now and in the next few days. And I can't wait to share. First, one of my favorite photos of the boys. I like to think of this as the photo on the cover for their first LP.

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