Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pumpkin Decorating

For us, Sandy could not have picked a better time to visit, and for once I am being completely serious. This weekend the Bengals have a bye and we have no visitors. That means we get to spend our hurricane day relaxing and catching up on life.

It's been an interesting week. The heating element in the oven went out. (Actually, it made a loud popping noise, and when I peeked in the oven, I noticed it happened to be on fire) The motor on one of my car windows died (I already had an emergency repair of another one this fall), and my cell phone started acting all crazy and not really working. So the downtime was very welcome.

Among other things, we used today to start getting ready for Halloween. We had great intentions of getting the Halloween decorations down two weekends ago. However, that was the same weekend we also decided to completely rearrange our bedroom one night after the kids went to bed. We were trying to make room for a desk so we would have a place to do work and we could finally open the all-in-one computer we had purchased two weeks before after the death of our computer. (What is it with us and things breaking? I forgot to mention the ice maker in our freezer also went hyperactive this week and we have mountains of ice pouring out. I should probably find the instruction manual and figure out a way to stop that instead of just seeing it as an excuse to make unlimited frozen margaritas.) In rearranging our bedroom, we finally took down the crib that Natalia slept in for about six total hours ever. It got placed in the garage. Right under the shelf with the Halloween stuff. We did not plan, and we were not moving the crib parts to make room for the ladder at that point.

The last weekend, our friends Mike and Janae came to visit. Janae kept her camera handy and snapped some great pics of the kids. Halloween stuff definitely didn't happen last weekend.

But we sold the crib this week, and with nothing but rain and wind outside, we had no excuse but to get down the Halloween stuff. Jeff got out the boxes and left them in the living room. Natalia quickly proved that she was able to figure out how to open them, and she showed she had her brothers' knack for throwing holiday decorations and shattering them. At least her brothers taught us to immediately put anything breakable out of reach.

Natalia was actually quite a terror all morning. Thankfully, she begged to go down for an early nap. Once she did, the big kids were able to get busy decorating pumpkins.

In the past, we've always carved pumpkins. The problem is the kids can't carve them by themselves, and they end up swinging from the table like deranged monkeys while we slice and dice since they don't want to miss anything but they don't actually have anything to do. It's been a rather painful experience. This year I gave them acrylic paint and let them go to town. Ree quickly started complaining, but once I gave her a bucket of Sharpies to use instead of paint, she was a happy girl.

The only thing we didn't get to today was making Halloween costumes. I did start working on them, only to realize I was out of glue sticks for the hot glue gun. But it's only the 27th. Plenty of time!

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