Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Natalia slept Sunday night. She went to sleep around 10:30, got up at 1:00 and 3:30 to eat and fell right back asleep both times, and then she slept until 7:15 Monday morning.  Amazing.

Yes, I know there is room for improvement, but it's hard to explain how little we've slept over the past 3 1/2 months.  And things have been really bad the past two weeks.  Just sleeping, at all, is somewhat of an amazing change.

So, of course Monday was a big game of "let's try to recreate yesterday." On Sunday our day started with me taking the kids to Target and Harris Teeter while Jeff watched soccer. It was actually a really productive day, so Natalia spent much of the rest of the day plopped on the floor playing with a tray of toys wherever I was working. However, while I didn't have to go in to the office yesterday, I was working from home, so that immediately changed everything. I did my best to recreate as much of Sunday as possible. Natalia had lots of time in the sling and I tried to keep her in the room with me at all times. And then, doom! Natalia generally sleeps for at least two hours in the afternoon, and I laid down when she had been asleep for about an hour, thinking she would sleep for another hour, and I could get some rest too. Even though I was on the bed and she was across the room in the swing, she must've sensed me, because her eyes immediately flew open. She was done napping.

Then, to make matters worse, she passed out during dinner. Just flat our fell asleep. I tried to be optimistic thinking "sleep begets sleep" but when it came to bedtime again, she made sure I knew that was nothing more than a disco nap. She was ready to party all night. Around 11:00 last night, shortly after I had given up all hope, she passed out. And slept until 5:30. She ate and was still sleeping when Ree woke her up at 7:25. It may be false hope, but I'm starting to think that someday we will sleep again. Ahhh.

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