Wednesday, June 16, 2010


It is World Cup time again.  For those of you not in the know, the World Cup is played every four years, and during the World Cup, there are three soccer matches daily for a month.  Of all the sporting events that suck my husband away from me, this is one of the least annoying.  First of all, it only happens every four years.  Secondly, it will always hold a somewhat dear place in my heart because the first time I watched the World Cup was in the summer of '98, when I was in London and I could watch the games from the pub at our school that accepted our dining hall meal cards as payment for pints. 

My husband, of course, is watching all the matches every day.  Because the games are at 7:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 2:30 p.m., Ree sees it as a big nuisance that prevents her from watching reruns on PBS Kids.  Leon sees it as background noise.  But Michael, our little TV junkie, thinks this is the best thing ever.  He regularly plops down to watch the matches.  He occasionally gets inspired by the TV, gets out his soccer ball, and starts kicking it around the house.  Thankfully, even he eventually wanders off to play.  Due to only having very basic cable, we only get the games on Univision, which means that in addition to the crazy buzzing noise from the vuvuzelas, we get Spanish commentary.  And no one in our house is fluent in Spanish.  But one word translates well.  GOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL!  Whenever someone scores, no matter where he is in the house, Michael comes running to watch the replay of the goal.  And then Michael starts running in circles screaming GOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL! too. 


RSN said...

I still have a "COME ON ENGLAND" poster from the Evening Standard from 1998. It's in my cube behind me right now, Alan Shearer's glorious visage beaming down upon me.

Stef said...

Awesome. Is that something I toted back for you?

RSN said...

Duh. I got it in 1998!