Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Helper

I am tired of being tired and out of shape, so since the boys started actually sleeping at night last week, I decided that this week I would get up 30 minutes earlier this week so I could at least get in mini workouts before work.  I'm sure you can guess what that means - the boys have NOT been sleeping this week, but that hasn't deterred me from working out.

Amazingly, I got through most of my workout on Monday and all of my workout on Tuesday without little helpers.  Not so much today.  The boys slept better last night, but that meant Michael was up at 5:15 checking on me.  I tried tucking him back in, but by 5:45, he was up for the day.

I wasn't going to let that deter me.  I dragged his high chair to the living room so he could watch me, and gave him some toast and milk.  He liked that for a few minutes.  But he really liked the DVD I was doing.  He kept shouting "Kick!  Kick!" and kicking his tray.  It wasn't long before he exclaimed "Done!" and wanted down to join in the fun.

I can't say I got in much of a workout this morning, but Michael and I did have fun.  He thought it was the best dance party ever.  He actually did a remarkable job of imitating what was happening on the TV, especially the big arm movements.

When the workout ended, he and I sat on the floor, and I read him a book before rushing off to get ready for work.  As I was getting ready for work, he got all moany.  By that time, he had woken up Jeff (going to the side of the bed and asking, "Dad?  Dad?  Dad?" combined with the moaning will do it), and Jeff asked him if he wanted to go back to bed.  He said, "Yeah."  So I went to tuck him back in bed.  We stopped at the refrigerator on the way so he could have a sip of cold water.  That's when he spied the leftovers from last night's dinner and started frantically pointing at them.

I made a Mexican casserole last night, and Michael was not going to sleep without first filling his belly with it.  So he had black beans, tomatoes, onions, corn, and zucchini for breakfast.  With a little dry cereal on the side.  Unconventional, but I really can't complain.  (And he's not alone.  One day last week Leon spied leftover shrimp gumbo in the fridge and he made it clear that NOTHING was going to happen until he ate it.  He would eat no other foods, he would participate in no other activities.  He wanted shrimp gumbo RIGHT THEN.)

Eventually, I made it out the door to work.  Later Jeff told me that shortly after I left, Michael went and sat down in front of his bedroom door, and repeated, "Done!" over and over until Jeff picked him and tucked him in bed.  I guess Michael had completed his mission.  He had entertained Mom and kept her company all morning, so now he could relax and get some sleep.  Stinkpot.

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