Wednesday, October 21, 2009

10 more days to Halloween, Halloween, Halloween

I am looking forward to Halloween. A lot. Last year our lives exploded on Halloween, the day I was admitted to the hospital with preterm labor, and they haven't settled down since then. Something tells me we will get our lives back this Halloween. (Please, Please, PLEASE let us get our lives back by Halloween!) Things may be crazy up until the 31st, and we may be carving the pumpkin and assembling Halloween costumes that afternoon, but I think we really will be okay. After all, we already have candy for trick-or-treaters which is clearly the most important part.

R is very into Halloween this year, especially when it comes to dressing up. She is wearing a pink, ballerina princess dress with Barbie on it.
She says she is going to be dressed as Sleeping Beauty (and has asked that we call her by her new nickname of "Sleeping Beauty")

and is going to be pretending to be Angelina Ballerina.

Alrighty then. I hope you can follow that because I'm a little lost, although there is a definite pink theme!

It is also very important to her that we ALL dress up for Halloween. All seven of us, including the dogs. Jeff is recycling a prisoner costume, and she is okay with him being "jail man." She spent a great deal of time pondering my costume and has decided that I am going to be a butterfly for Halloween. This is not a choice. So it looks like I need to get wings and antenna so I can dress up to take her trick-or-treating. She wanted the boys to be Hansel and Gretel, so we explained that Hansel and Gretel are actually a boy and a girl. She then pointed out that Bert and Ernie are dressed up as Hansel and Gretel in one of her books. So we told her that Bert was just pretending to be a girl. She said, "No, Bert IS a girl." Then she added that Ernie was too. She thought Ernie was pretending to be a boy. Those silly Muppets!

So once we got that cleared up, she decided that Pru and Max can be Hansel and Gretel. The boys, if we can get organized, are going to be Mario and Luigi from Super Mario Brothers since this may be the last year we can torture them with coordinated costumes. We haven't decided yet who gets the moustache! And if it turns out that I am too busy trying to locate butterfly wings and figure out how to turn our giant, furry dogs into German children of the 19th century, the boys can go as babies who are up past their bedtime. I guarantee they will be convincing!

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