Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Okay, so I know I've abandoned all of you by not writing for two weeks. (And I know there is at least someone reading this. My fabulous friend Stacy admitted to it. Crazy girl, but it totally made my day, and for that, she is my Number One Fan!)

As always, long gaps without writing mean lots of great things have been happening preventing me from taking the time to write. But the new plan (I seem to have a new plan every 10 minutes these days) is to take home my 'puter and start writing at night. I actually did that last night but didn't get very far with my writing. Here's hoping for a better night for writing tonight. In the meantime, here's a quick R story.

In one of R's favorite Baby Blues comics, Wanda, the mom, is in the bathroom with the kids. Zoe is in the tub, and Wanda is holding baby Hammie in her lap and trimming his nails. She accidentally cuts his finger with the nail clippers, and he starts crying. Of course Wanda starts crying too and laments, "I'm a terrible mom!" (We all know that feeling!) We haven't read that comic in awhile, but R has a freakishly good memory. Two Saturdays ago R and I were in the car in the drive-thru at Chick-Fil-A. I placed our order, but it wasn't until I got to the window that I remembered to order a sandwich for Jeff who was at home with the boys. Jeff's mom was with us, and I joked to her that I was a terrible wife. As we were driving home, R says in all seriousness, "Momma, you are a terrible mommy!" I nearly burst out laughing. As I struggled to compose myself, she went on to recite the comic and compare it to my near-disaster. Our little English major conducted a very thorough analysis.


Stacy said...

Thanks for the shout out!

Stef said...

You're welcome. Thanks for reading!