Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby Update

A couple of nights ago, I was sitting at the table eating dinner with L in my lap. R walked by singing. L decided to sing too. Very loudly. He was screeching and squawking right along, and he was so proud of himself!

Last night L finally mastered rolling over. He was lots of fun. We would put him on his belly, and he would instantly roll on to his back. So we'd flip him back on his belly, and he would roll over again. We did this many times. What a great toy!

M is not rolling over. He has too much belly! But he loves to do push-ups. In fact, he is much more comfortable playing on the floor than L. could spend hours playing on his belly, as long as we don't "abandon" him. The minute we leave the room to go take care of the dishes or laundry or another one of our many children, he wails. He does not like to be alone. He was also the first to bear weight on his legs, and he loves to stand with support. He spent much of the evening standing and trying to move his right leg as though he were walking. We keep reminding him that he really needs to learn to sit up first!

When it comes to talking, M was the first to coo, but he "talks" less than L. And where L likes to have "conversations", there is none of that with M. He only talks when he decides to, and he prefers to deliver monologues. If you interrupt him with encouraging questions, he shuts up. But then, when he's ready, he will babble on again.

And one more random thing, in looking at pictures of the boys, I realized that in all pictures in which they are near each other, L is reaching out and touching M. Interesting.

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