Monday, December 29, 2008

All About R

Since I can't seem to find time to write anything coherent, and, well, really anything, here is some randomness from R's life at the moment.

R has decided she identifies best with bratty girl characters. Her current favorites include Lucy from Peanuts, Zoe from Baby Blues, and Angelica from Rugrats. Since, aside from Lucy, she only knows these characters from books, we are seriously considering banning these books for now. How sad is that? David from No, David may have to go too. He is clearly not a good influence on anyone!

Aside from the bratty girls, R remains firmly obsessed with Disney Princesses. She has never seen any of them on TV either. In fact, she doesn't even have books about them. She has one set of Disney Princess dolls that started the mania. It is quite creepy. So much for gender neutrality! Thankfully she still spends hours a day happily playing with her new Brio blocks and with vehicles from her Brio-esque train/transportation set.

If I have to sing "Frosty the Snowman" too many more times, I just may scream. R is obsessed. We sing it many, many times a day. In fact, we sing all Christmas songs many, many times a day. The worst is bath time. Each night she gives me the opportunity to entertain her with a 20+ minute concert while I pump breast milk. Since I am doing the entertaining, I don't suppose I could be called a captive audience. Perhaps I am her captive entertainer? Or just a slave? She doesn't actually ask for anything these days, she does demand it. (Occasionally we remember to ask her to use manners. Sometimes we get a "please" and often she storms off to her room crying because we dared "deny" her something. Mostly we just comply because we are too sleep deprived to really thing it through.) Yeah, slave seems pretty fitting.

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