Monday, December 14, 2015

December Fun

Although Ree has performed in dance recitals before, this weekend was the first time she danced in a full length ballet. She was a reindeer in a production of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and she couldn't have been more excited. Last Sunday night she was already excited, and she didn't know if she would be able to survive the wait until Thursday's tech rehearsal. (Her first tech rehearsal! That alone was exciting to her!) Thankfully, she survived the week, she made it through everything, AND it lived up to her expectations. The show was lots of fun and went fairly well and she enjoyed her debut as the reindeer that "dances" the White Witch off the stage to free one of the main characters.

The weather cooperated too, and after spending Thursday night, Friday night, and all day Saturday at the theater, we had a beautiful day in the mid 70s on Sunday. My parents were in town, and it was a perfect excuse to head to the beach. The water was cold, but the kids (and Grandpa Gene!) didn't care. And at least it was warmer than the snowy days in Narnia.

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