Sunday, February 22, 2015

Girls Room Update

Home improvement projects in our house move slowly. Very, very slowly. Which is actually a vast improvement over the 5 year period when the didn't move at all. But still, we fall incredibly short of the modern American DIY standard. However, I am a big fan of the "better late than never" theory, which also explains why our last Christmas card (sent only to family for the 2014 holiday season in the interest of time) was postmarked February 12th.

Anywho, way back in the summer of 2013, we decided it was time to update Ree's room and make it the Girls' Room. Poor Ree was turning 7, and she was still sleeping in a toddler bed. And Natalia was 2 1/2, and she had never had a space of her own.

We were all excited. (At least I was, and Jeff humored me.) We were going to paint, get new flooring installed, add bunkbeds, replace the bi-fold closet doors with curtains, add some minor decorations, and voila! I was sure we could easily accomplish this in a month of weekends.

Well, Ree picked paint colors. And my parents watched the kids while we painted using the crazy color scheme Ree picked. And then things sat. And sat. And sat. I picked up some flooring samples. And that's about it. Sometime in the spring of 2014, I finally ordered bunk beds and mattresses. And in July 2014, while taking a week off work for a staycation and stuck in the house on a hurricane day, I finally assembled them!

Still, not much changed.  But last weekend, in an utter fit of madness, I decorated the room! The crazy part was, I was able to do it for free. Everything on the walls and on display was given to us, stockpiled away, or pulled from another room. In the pictures, the room still looks pretty cluttered, but I'm telling you, it's a huge improvement.

Now I just need to actually add that curtain on the closet and paint the dark brown and green furniture white. I have complete faith that it will be done before the girls graduate from high school. Well, by the time Natalia graduates from high school.

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