Mother's Day was pretty quiet at our house. If anything, we did even less than usual. I spent the weekend attempting to get caught up on work projects, and was mostly just a grouchy pants until I finished.
Anywho, so we didn't do a ton. I received a Panera gift card as part of an early Mother's Day present from my parents, and it was burning a hole in my pocket, so we picked up bagels for breakfast, and the kids and I gorged ourselves on bagels and fruit. Michael liked the breakfast so much he wanted to have it again for Father's Day. I had to kindly point out the one person not indulging in the carb and sugar fest was his father.
Natalia did not let the day go unnoticed, though. At one point she turned to Jeff and announced, "Happy Mother's Day, Dad!" She tries...
We did manage to go strawberry picking yesterday afternoon. There is a berry farm
next to our neighborhood, and yes, we know we are spoiled. It was actually the first time out for the season, and the kids were really excited to go.
Despite the look on my little BFF's face, she really was happy to be there. I think her big sister has just convinced here that photos are not cool.
And, in case there was any doubt, we were picking STRAWBERRIES!
They also sell homemade ice cream, and, of course, we had to stop for some after we got done picking berries. After that, we headed to the green house where I got some plants for our little herb garden. Most years we have a nice collection of herbs growing on our front porch, but last year they never really took off. I think the problems were that I planted too late and I was trying to grow from seeds. (We will completely ignore the fact that I may have forgotten to water them or find the right light for each plant.) However, we do have a chive plant that has no idea it is supposed to be an annual, and it is about four years old. Ree and Natalia like to snack on chives, and Natalia often helps herself to a chive on the way to and from the car. They happened to have chives at the nursery, and as she walked by, Natalia picked one and began eating it. She had no idea that wasn't normal behavior
when one saw chives. I actually felt kinda bad telling her that it wasn't actually a buffet.
We did not buy any more chive plants, but we did come home with a purple basil plant, cilantro, parsley, and (I think) spearmint. We never seem to eat mint, but the kids love to grow it, and it smells good. After berry picking, the kids were tired, and the three stooges all took naps. While they slept, I worked. I got done, consequently turned into a (semi) normal human being again, and I even had some time to read a chapter of Harry Potter to Ree before the usual chaos erupted again. We had a good dinner, and then everyone pigged out on strawberries before falling into bed. I guess sometimes regular ol' days make for great Mother's Days.
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