Friday, August 26, 2011

Irene, Continued...

Yesterday was the first day of school for our local schools.  So you can imagine the annoyance of the parents and the excitement of the kids when they announced yesterday morning that the schools would be closing at noon today, presumably so they could start preparing them to be shelters.  It seemed silly, especially with yesterday morning's forecast of a tropical storm hitting late tonight.

Then we watched the updates throughout the day.  (New thing learned this week: hurricane updates occur every 3 hours at 2, 5, 8, and 11.  Our lives have not revolved around such a fixed hourly schedule since the boys were in the NICU and Michael got to eat at 4, 8, and 12 and Leon at 5, 9, and 1.)  With each update, starting at 11:00 a.m., the storm was tracking further west and closer to us.  By the 5:00 p.m. update, they were projecting landfall at Emerald Isle, which is just on the other side of Camp LeJeune near Jacksonville.  (Oh, yes, it is time for more bad graphics!)

For those who aren't so entrenched in North Carolina geography, here's what it looks like in the bigger scheme of things.

Adding to the insanity, I didn't get home until 8:00 last night.  (And the Bengals game, which was televised because they were playing the Panthers, started at 7:00.)  So I worked on getting the big kids off to bed and dealing with Natalia who was WIRED and bouncing off the walls, at least as much as one can when they can't yet walk.  Finally, after the Bengals game, we were able to start planning.  Decided to postpone Ree's birthday party, which was scheduled for Sunday, to next weekend since there is a good chance that we won't have electricity on Sunday and we are working around out-of-town guests.  Then I had to go shower and get ready for bed, because I have work today and it is business as usual.  Sorta.

(As a side note, this morning they are calling for Irene to get here earlier, but to make landfall at Cape Lookout, which is further northeast.  It's always interesting.  Oh, and as of 8:30, it is already pouring rain as the outer bands starting coming through.)

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