Sunday, June 5, 2011


It is hotly debated in our house as to when summer begins.  Jeff thinks it is a season and it begins with the solstice later this month and ends with the fall equinox.  While I can't technically argue with him, to me, summer is more of a state of mind, and summer starts when school gets out and lasts until school resumes.  (Perhaps this is why I was so sad when working in public accounting - it was never my summer!)

No matter how you define it, last weekend felt like summer.  It started with Ree's preschool graduation.

At her school, EVERYONE graduates every year because, hey, they made it through another year.  The kids made lots of artwork to decorate the stage, tie-dyed t-shirts to wear, and even performed some of their favorite songs from the year.  We stayed after school for a giant picnic.  The kids had a great time playing.

Natalia was in the sling and slept through everything.

We also took the kids swimming at the pool at my parents' apartment complex.  The kids may run in different directions at the beach, but right now they are still easy to track at the pool.

And to make it officially summer, at least in my mind, we busted out the grill.  What could possibly be more summery than meat and veggies cooked outside?

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