Thursday, June 3, 2010

Morning Adventure

Jillian Michaels has nothing on my children.  Talk about tough trainers!  Ree used to beg me to work out so she could play in the "tunnels" that I made with my body while doing yoga.  While doing strength training she would also tell me, "Mom, you need to get your weights.  The ladies on TV are using weights."  Not following the teacher is a cardinal sin to a preschooler, so she would repeatedly tell me until I gave in and hauled out the weights.

These days if I get to work out at all, it's first thing in the morning.  And given that I go to work at 7:30, that requires getting up very early, and I am just not that motivated at that hour.  However, Michael has taken up where his sister left off, and he makes sure I am up bright and early.  This morning he first checked in at 5:38.  I battled him back to bed and got him quietly tucked in at 5:49.  My alarm had been set for 6:00, but since it was quiet in the house, I reset the alarm for 6:30 and promptly went back to sleep.  At 5:58 Michael started screaming.  His biological clock is a bit too good.

So, by 6:08, I was dressed, I had Michael's diaper changed, and we were out the door for our morning walk.  I have to admit, once I get going, I do enjoy this time.  I get a little exercise before work, and Michael and I get a little time alone together.  I also don't have to worry about either of us getting sunburned, and it's nice to watch the neighborhood wake up (although I've reached the conclusion that Monday through Friday, most people wake up either grouchy or angry).  It's also a fun time to explore.

We had some nasty storms yesterday afternoon, and this morning we got to survey the damage.  When I pulled into the neighborhood yesterday on my way home from work, I noticed there was a high water sign.  I thought that was unusual.  I'd see the main street flood before, but there had never been a sign.  I also had to laugh because it was the shortest sign ever.  Apparently they wanted you to know the exact height of the water.

The first thing I noticed this morning was puddles everywhere, including quite a few deep ones in the middle of the street.  (I can't help but wonder why this street slopes down in the middle.  Seems like some odd engineering...)

Instead of dirt, our soil is black sand, and the sidewalk was pretty much covered in it this morning.

Yes, it was also trash day today.  Michael loves "off-roading" as we veer around all the gigantic 95-gallon trashcans.

Finally, we discovered the real problem.  The water line was waaay up in some people's yards.  Yikes.

The picture is a little dark because, well, it was still kinda dark out, but there are four rows of lines in this yard from the water cresting and receding.

Our yard was mercifully free of damage.  I am glad we live at the top of a "hill."  It's going to be an interesting rainy season.

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