It was a good weekend, as far as I'm concerned. I got in all kinds of bargain shopping, because I am cheap like that.
I worked Friday morning, and then Jeff sent me and Ree off on a girls' adventure in the afternoon. (Apparently I had been cranky enough on Thursday night that he knew I needed to get away.) We went to lunch at Olive Garden (no McDonald's for my little girl!) where Ree ate two whole breadsticks and her ravioli after dunking each and every bite in a gallon of marinara sauce. Following lunch we went to Target, where I used a ton of expiring coupons, and to Food Lion, a local grocery store that had insane sales on their store brand stuff.
Jeff was gone to a soccer workshop all day Saturday, so after lunch I bundled up the kids and we headed to Harris Teeter, another grocery store, for more shopping. It was Super Double Coupon weekend. (Did I mention I was on an insane mission? I think I did about 6 months worth of shopping over the weekend.) I also knew the boys really needed to get out of the house. We left at 12:45 and were practically the only car on the road. Apparently others in Wilmington are freaked out by temperatures in the 30s with a brisk wind. As my daughter put it, "But not Mommy, and Ree, and Leon, and Michael. We go out in the cold!" It was a little cold out (okay, it was nasty), but I liked the lack of other people.
The only challenge with going grocery shopping by myself with the kids these days is that I have to push the boys in the stroller, which takes two hands with their beastly bus, and therefore I can't push a shopping cart. (There was a short period of time where I could put one in the seat in the cart and one in the sling, but that was a short window.) So I am limited to what I can put in a basket that I carry on my arm. We only made it about 3 aisles before the basket was full. But that's okay, everyone liked getting out. And we ate more than our money's worth of free samples. All the kids loaded up on cantaloupe and oranges, then at Ree's insistence, she and I hit the bakery and deli for more.
On Sunday afternoon, Ree and I returned to Harris Teeter to finish our shopping. Not only did I still have coupons to use, but Ree was dying to get more ravioli because some parental unit (not me! not me!) ate all of her Olive Garden leftovers.
When I wasn't a shopping maniac, I was cooking. I love to cook, and I hardly ever get to do it these days. Jeff cooks dinner on weeknights now so I can sit on the floor and let the boys use me as a jungle gym. This also happens some weekend nights. This weekend, the kids actually let me get away with making food. They finally have me trained to complete all cooking by 1:00 p.m, because after that, the day is not my own. So on Saturday morning I made pancakes for breakfast, beans and rice for lunch, and put some vegetarian chili in the Crock Pot for dinner just after lunch. (Beans were on sale for $.25 a can at Food Lion. But I have to admit, that combination of meals is probably directly related to the fact that I started Sunday morning by cleaning the kids' bathroom.) On Sunday I made eggs for the kids for breakfast (not my thing) and then Jeff and I grilled and cooked a super-mega lunch of steak, Asian chicken, baked potatoes, and sauteed cauliflower. Delicious.
So I enjoyed my weekend. Michael, however, had very different thoughts on the matter. He was ready for me to stay home and play with him for 11 days, like I did over break. He wanted me sitting on the floor playing blocks and singing songs. He did not want me running errands. Or hiding in the kitchen. (Not that you can really hide in our kitchen, but I suppose it feels like it when you are only 2' tall.) And he knows the schedule well enough to know that after Daddy watches football, and Mommy cleans the house, Mommy has to disappear again. So last night he checked in at 1:15 a.m. And 1:45 a.m. And 2:15 a.m. Then he screamed from 3:15 - 4:00. SCREAMED. Each time he was checking on me, making sure he could get in some Mommy play time before I left for work. He then got up at 6:30 for the day and happily played on the bathroom floor while I got ready for work. He was not happy when I passed him off to Jeff at 7:00. That was not in the day's plan.
So we'll see how he does tonight. And I'm already looking forward to spending next weekend PLAYING. Maybe the kid is on to something.
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