That is why I am soooo glad that I am not a single parent. My husband is a golden god. He has kept the family together and things as under control as they can be in our house of crazy while I fall apart. In addition to keeping the kiddos alive and in clean diapies, he also keeps up with Mt. Laundry, takes care of the kitchen and dogs, and somehow manages to have dinner ready every night when I stumble in from work. He's keeping the kids on a schedule and even finding time for adventures with the kids. He is pretty freakin' amazing. But the sick part? He so dang chipper about it. It's like he likes this crazy life! (Did I mention the postpartum depression is apparently making me just a tad bitter?)
So while I have waded through the past couple of weeks half asleep and feeling like everything was an unachievable chore, here's what was accomplished by our little family, primarily due to his efforts.
On Tuesday, January 20th, I returned to work and Wilmington had its first accumulating snowfall since 2003. (If the date sounds vaguely familiar, most of the world remembers it for that whole inauguration thing.) Since she had never seen snow that she could remember, we made sure R got to go out and play in it. We figured she would love it. We were so wrong. J took her out early in the day, and she just stood holding the hood of her coat tightly to her head. When I came home from work, I took her with me to get the mail. She didn't even let me put her down. She wanted to be carried to avoid incidental contact with the snow on the ground. Mostly she kept saying, "Brrrr. Snow cold!" I guess all of our kids have southern tendencies. J took each of the boys out to see the snow. L snuggled into his blankies. I'm not sure M ever woke up, preferring to keep his eyes closed to this chilly whiteness. However, R has already started talking about going to the beach, and in the bathtub her bath friends play in their swimming pool. She is all about the hot weather!
Last week M somewhat came into his own. It's like he finally accepted the fact that he was stuck out here in the real world. He started staying awake during the day and became much more observant. Suddenly he was more than a lump that was just freakishly large and strong in comparison to his puny big brother. L, for the record, didn't do anything too remarkable last week. He was happy to just kick back and watch the world around him, as he usually does.
We actually had a busy weekend. On Saturday we all ventured to Target and Radio Shack. We are addicted to our Attractions coupon book, and can't stand to let coupons go unused just because we have newborn twins, so we also went out to lunch at Mama Fu's. Because our meals were buy one get one free, we let R get her own meal off the kid menu which let us order real (i.e. not kid friendly) food since we didn't have to share with her. (It's not the R won't eat everything, but we draw the line at super spicy foods and foods cooked less than well done.) It was lovely. On Sunday we went to Verizon and to Panera to pick up some bagels for the week.
The Monday rolled around and it was time for my first five-day work week since last April. (I started working on a four day flex schedule in May.) I have been worthless this week. J and the kiddos have fallen into a nice routine. He even got out with all three of them one day to take the recycling. Not only do I think he is freakishly chipper, I think he is one brave man!